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Where To Purchase Milk ATM For Your Business In Nairobi

I am thinking of purchasing a milk ATM for business in Nairobi.

I need to know whether I can get one locally or must I import?

The Any Time Milk machine allows customers room to purchase milk from a mechanised nozzle in containers, saving them extra costs of branded packaging materials.

The milk ATMs are of different types; there is one which can be used in farms and raw milk gets pasteurised then moves to the nozzle without coming in contact with anyone.

The other automatic vending machines resemble ones used in supermarkets, and are not as highly expensive.

For arrangements to acquire one, please get in touch with Tassmatt Agencies Limited via 0726-410068

How Milk Dispensing ATMs By Tassmatt At Supermarkets Are Giving Processors Sleepless Nights

Sale of milk across the country has gone high-tech with the introduction of vending machines in urban centres that dispense milk just like money from an Automated Teller Machine.

Many supermarkets and outlets have acquired the equipment, which has seen consumers slowly drift away from purchasing packaged milk.

This has come as a relief for thousands of milk vendors who have, for years, been exploited by middlemen as they can now sell the produce directly to those who own vending machines.

At the same time, the fact that packaging cost is not factored, allows consumers to purchase the product at a cheaper price.

The equipment allows users to purchase milk by depositing money — in coin form — and in turn receive varied milk quantities directly from the dispenser.

Moses Mwangi an attendant at Tuskys Supermarket in Nairobi, says most customers prefer to buy milk directly from the dispenser.

The supermarket, he says, sells up to 1,500 litres of milk per day. The product is purchased directly from contracted farmers.

Most outlets sell a litre of the milk at Sh65 compared to Sh100 for packaged milk. “Apart from the fact that it’s cheaper, consumers like the product because it is sourced directly from farmers,”  Mwangi says. The Sh7 million machine holds up to 2,000 litres of milk.

For large outlets like supermarkets, consumers are required to pay at the counter before the attendant dispenses the required quantity of milk. One can either buy a new container or use their own container to carry the product.

Hilda Githaiga, who has been purchasing milk from the ATM says besides being cheap, it is always fresh.

“I buy in large quantities and keep in my fridge for about a week. Purchasing directly from the dispenser is cheaper and you can always be sure of quality. I can’t remember the last time I bought packaged milk,”  Githaiga says.

Margaret Oyando says: “I love the fact that I can drink the milk without having to boil it.”

An attendant at the Naivas Supermarket, Mountain Mall branch in Nairobi, Paul Mtunya, says their machine holds about 1,000 litres.

He points out that the introduction of the dispenser has since posed competition to other processors who supply packaged milk.

“More people prefer buying milk directly from the dispenser because it is cheaper and you get value for money,” he said.

Nakumatt Supermarket has not been left out and most branches have installed the dispenser as well.

Returns are enormous on milk ATMs

“We cannot miss milk in this machine on a daily basis. We have been watching the market over a long time, and we now understand what they need. We will be moving to other branches very soon,” says Alfred Wesonga, an attendant.

Naivas Supermarkets sell a litre of milk at Sh65 while half a litre retails at Sh33. The same product at Uchumi and Nakumatt supermarkets costs Sh60.

Charles Boit, a businessman based in Eldoret, launched the initiative a year ago and says the returns are enormous. He reveals that he sells at least 1,000 litres of milk everyday and the demand has been growing. Boit sells a litre of milk at Sh60, which means on a daily basis, he earns Sh60,000 translating to Sh1.8 million monthly.

Ordinarily, milk is pumped directly from the farm to the coolers where it is pasteurised before being stored in the dispenser. Boit plans to set up another milk dispenser within the town and buy milk from farmers in the region.

“Our goal is to eliminate hawkers who frustrate consumers by selling low quality milk at high prices. We want to reach consumers at the comfort of their homes,” Boit said.

He says, “I was inspired to start the project because customers are looking for pasteurised fresh whole milk at a reasonable price since milk has, over the years, become very expensive.”

The fact that the milk atm machines have inbuilt boiling and pasteurisation compartments automatically meets the safety requirements of Kenya Dairy Board (KDB) – the sole regulator in the country.

Last year, KDB banned milk hawking as a quality and safety measure as well as to protect investors who own processing plants and have spent money on distribution systems.

However, there are still a number of milk hawkers upcountry who continue to exploit consumers.

The price of milk has been on the rise, a factor that has been attributed to increasing demand and changing weather patterns that influence production.

To purchase milk ATM in Kenya, contact Tassmatt Agencies Limited via 0726-410068

Article: Credit

Maintain Your Milk ATM Machine
Consumer perception of risk exposure and purchase preferences for milk from milk ATM in Kenya

Consumer perception of risk reflects their awareness of the potential risks exposure in milk consumption and they associate some milk retailing with more risks than the others. For the risks assessed, consumers hold the perception that milk from milk ATM is as safe as packaged milk while milk from ATM is safer than milk from plastic containers.

This observation by Tassmatt Agencies Limited would suggest consumer acceptance of milk retailing in ATM. Viewed from market-led perspectives, milk ATM retailing represent a new segment of formal milk share and therefore supportive to strategic objective of formalisation of milk market in Kenya as aspired for in the national dairy master plan.

It is a viable business opportunity that SMEs working closely with the government can build upon with good food safety assurance practices in contributing to the strategic development objective of the dairy industry in Kenya.

It is clear from results of this observation that consumers express low confidence in milk retailed from plastic containers as compared to milk retailed from ATM or packaged milk. Their perception of risk of milk from plastic containers is corroborated with the observed milk quality. Then on compliance in microbial quality was more prevalent in plastic containers than in ATM or in packaged milk. However, use of plastic containers in milk retailing remains widespread in the market outlets. This continues despite the introduction of small sized aluminium containers and improved plastic containers (mazzican containers) as alternatives to replace the plastic containers in efforts to improve milk hygiene and quality standards.

Predominant use of plastic containers in milk transport and retailing can be attributed to its low cost, though discouraged for milk handling because of difficulties in cleaning. It is possible to eliminate the prevalent use of plastic containers in milk handling if the government can extend the ban on plastic carrier bags successfully enforced in the country since 2017 to plastic containers

That consumers perceived presence of chemical preservatives (hydrogen peroxide) a greater risk in packaged milk than in milk from ATM or from plastic containers demonstrate consumer low confidence in both formal and informal milk retailing for quality and safety assurance. It points to consumers perceiving that chemicals are used in milk processing.

Milk processors should consider this a consumer concern in milk quality and safety assurance. It is an indication that processed milk has failed to guarantee consumers safety as they express higher preference for milk from ATM over packaged milk on several attributes for which packaged milk would justify charging premium price. This observation has established that milk from ATM is more attractive than the packaged milk for several reasons: price, consistent availability, traceability and safety from chemical and biological hazards. The observation corroborates those of cooking and salad oil atm et that consumers prioritise price and convenience over safety in their milk purchasing behaviours.

For milk atm sellers in Kenya, contact Tassmatt via 0726-410068

Milk Coolers In Kenya, Things To Note And Where To Buy

Refrigeration is the single most important factor in maintaining the safety of milk. Milk Coolers are engineered to hold milk at temperatures below 40 degrees F which is ideal to protect milk’s quality. The cooler refrigerated milk is kept, the longer it lasts and the safer it will remain. As milk is allowed to warm, bacterial grow more rapidly and quality and safety are diminished. Properly refrigerated at temperatures below 40 degrees F, milk can be safely stored for about two weeks. Investing in a quality milk cooler is an investment in reliability and safety for employees and customers.

Once you’ve decided to purchase a milk cooler in Kenya, you need to choose your milk cooler – so what should you look for? Contact Tassmatt Agency Limited via +254 726410068 Here’s a short list that can help you narrow down your options to make the best decision for your milk cooling operation.

Size Of Milk Coolers

When sizing a milk cooler, you will typically base your needs by the capacity of milk that you need to store within the cooler at any given time. You should also look at the height and weight of the unit you are considering ensuring it will fit in the space you have allocated.

We do have different sizes of the milk cooling chillers tank ranging from

200Ltrs, as well as,

300Ltrs, as well as,

500Ltrs, as well as,

800Ltrs, as well as,


Materials & Construction Of Milk Coolers

The most popular material choice is stainless steel because it is highly durable and resists corrosion. It is also common to have the interior of a unit is stainless steel which is why they are corrosion resistance. The exterior construction of the Tassmatt Milk Coolers is stainless steel. You’ll want to be sure that the unit you select has a stainless steel interior.

Cleanout Drains

Milk coolers should be equipped with clean out drains. In some cases, you can locate the outlets of the drains over the floor drains or over a bucket to clean out any liquid waste and dispose of it appropriately. These drains are very handy when cleaning the unit as you can clean and rinse over the drain.

Digital Thermometers

Because milk coolers are all about keeping milk at the food safe temperature of below 40 degrees F, having a digital easy to read exterior thermometer is really a necessity rather than a nicety. Look for a unit that has a digital display on the outside of your box so it’s easy to keep track of. This are some of the quality that comes with Milk Coolers From Tassmatt. 


At Tassmat we ensure that we are honest, truthful and transparent in all our dealings with the client.

Thus we disclose all important information on Product, Price, Quality, Warranty, Durability and finally Options. Therefore you make your purchase well informed because our relationship exceeds beyond quality service to a loyal, satisfied Client.

Comment and tell us which coolers you prefer.