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Why Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs Stand Out in Kenya

Tassmatt Limited, a company based in Kenya, is making waves in the dairy industry with their innovative Milk ATMs. These machines are not just another product in the market; they are a testament to the company’s commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

One of the standout features of Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs is their adherence to the highest standards of quality and safety. The machines are designed and manufactured to meet the stringent requirements of the Kenya Bureau of Standards. This ensures that the milk dispensed is not only fresh but also safe for consumption. The company understands the importance of health and nutrition and has taken every measure to ensure that their machines deliver on this front.

But what truly sets Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs apart is their unique features. The machines are equipped with advanced technology that allows for easy operation and maintenance. They come with an intuitive user interface, making it easy for anyone to use them. Moreover, the machines are designed to be robust and durable, ensuring that they can withstand the rigors of daily use.

In addition to their superior design and technology, Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs also offer excellent customer service. The company provides comprehensive after-sales support, including regular maintenance and repair services. This ensures that the machines are always in top working condition and that customers can rely on them for their daily milk needs.

The advanced technology incorporated into Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs is a game-changer. The machines are equipped with digital systems that allow for precise control over the quantity of milk dispensed, ensuring that customers get value for their money. The digital system also allows for easy tracking of sales, making it a valuable tool for business owners.

Furthermore, the machines have a refrigeration system that maintains the freshness of the milk. This is crucial in preserving the nutritional value of the milk and ensuring that customers get the best quality product. The refrigeration system is energy-efficient, making the machines environmentally friendly and cost-effective to operate.

Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs also stand out for their design. The machines have a sleek and modern look that is aesthetically pleasing. They are compact and can fit in small spaces, making them ideal for businesses of all sizes. The machines are also easy to clean, which is essential in maintaining hygiene standards.

In terms of customer service, Tassmatt Limited goes above and beyond. They offer installation services and training on how to operate the machines. They also provide regular maintenance services to ensure that the machines are always in optimal working condition. In case of any issues, their customer service team is always ready to assist.

In conclusion, Tassmatt Limited’s Milk ATMs are a perfect blend of innovation, quality, and customer service. They are transforming the dairy industry in Kenya, making fresh milk accessible and affordable for everyone. It’s no wonder they are considered the best in the market.


milk atm
Making Huge Profits From Milk: The Rise of Milk ATMs in Kenya and the Potential of Tassmatt Limited

The Rise of Milk ATMs in Kenya and the Potential of Tassmatt Limited

Tassmatt Limited, a Kenyan company, is at the forefront of the milk ATM revolution. They design, manufacture, and distribute these machines, ensuring they meet the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) requirements. Their ATMs boast features like temperature control to maintain milk freshness and digital payment options for seamless transactions. This focus on quality and user experience positions Tassmatt as a leader in this emerging market.

The rise of milk ATMs in Kenya can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there’s a growing demand for fresh, safe milk, especially in urban areas. Milk ATMs address concerns about hygiene and adulteration often associated with traditional milk vendors. Secondly, Kenyans are embracing convenience. Milk ATMs offer 24/7 access, eliminating the need to visit shops during specific hours. Finally, the dairy industry itself is a significant contributor to Kenya’s economy. Milk ATMs provide a new avenue for dairy farmers to reach consumers directly, potentially increasing their profits and reducing post-harvest losses.

Of course, there are challenges to consider. Initial investment costs for the machines can be high, and securing permits and licenses requires navigating bureaucratic hurdles. Additionally, ensuring a steady supply of fresh milk and maintaining the ATMs in remote locations are logistical hurdles that need to be addressed.

Despite these challenges, the future of milk ATMs in Kenya appears bright. Companies like Tassmatt are constantly innovating, making their machines more efficient and user-friendly. As consumer awareness grows and the infrastructure for milk collection and distribution improves, milk ATMs have the potential to revolutionize the way Kenyans access this essential beverage.

Tassmatt is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth. Their commitment to quality, focus on user experience, and understanding of the Kenyan market make them a key player in this exciting new industry. As milk ATMs continue to take root across the country, Tassmatt’s role in shaping this innovative and convenient way to access fresh milk seems certain.

Deep Dive: Milk ATMs and Tassmatt’s Competitive Edge

Let’s delve deeper into the world of milk ATMs in Kenya, with a specific focus on Tassmatt’s strengths:

Tassmatt’s Technological Edge:

Beyond Basic ATMs: While some milk ATMs offer just dispensing, Tassmatt goes further. Their machines might include features like:

  • Automatic Cleaning Systems: This ensures hygiene and reduces maintenance needs, especially crucial for remote locations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Tassmatt’s systems could track milk levels, temperature, and even potential malfunctions, allowing for remote management and preventative maintenance.
    Mobile App Integration: Imagine ordering your milk through a mobile app and picking it up directly from the ATM. Tassmatt could be at the forefront of integrating such features, offering unmatched convenience.

Building a Sustainable Ecosystem:

  • Farmer Partnerships: A reliable milk supply chain is vital. Tassmatt could partner with local dairy farmers, offering them fair prices and potentially even providing training or financing for improved milk production. This creates a win-win situation, ensuring a steady supply for ATMs and higher incomes for farmers.
  • Data-Driven Insights: The data collected from Tassmatt’s ATMs can be a goldmine. Analyzing buying patterns and milk consumption trends can help them strategically place new machines and optimize pricing. Additionally, this data could be shared with partnered farmers to help them adjust production based on real-time demand.

Addressing Challenges, Building Trust:

  • Financing Options: The high initial cost of milk ATMs can be a barrier. Tassmatt could explore offering potential franchisees or entrepreneurs financial packages to make these machines more accessible.
  • Community Engagement: Building trust with consumers is key. Tassmatt could partner with local authorities or NGOs to educate communities about the benefits of milk ATMs, emphasizing the freshness, safety, and traceability of the milk they dispense.

By focusing on these aspects, Tassmatt can solidify its position as a leader in Kenya’s milk ATM revolution. Their commitment to innovation, building a sustainable ecosystem, and addressing challenges head-on will be crucial for their success. This niche market has the potential to disrupt how Kenyans access milk, and Tassmatt is well-positioned to be at the forefront of that change.

How to Make Money with Milk ATM Vending Machines in Kenya
Are you looking for a lucrative business opportunity in Kenya? Look no further! Milk ATM vending machines have emerged as a promising venture, providing a convenient way for consumers to access fresh milk while presenting an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to generate income. In this post, we will guide you through the steps of starting and profiting from a milk ATM vending machine business in Kenya.

Step 1: Get in Touch with the Experts

When it comes to purchasing a reliable and high-quality milk ATM vending machine in Kenya, it’s crucial to work with authorized sellers. Tassmatt Limited is a renowned company in this field, offering top-of-the-line milk ATMs that meet industry standards. To explore their range of products and receive professional guidance, visit their website at or contact them directly at 0726410068.

Step 2: Identify a Strategic Location

To maximize your profits, it’s essential to choose the right location for your milk ATM vending machine. Consider high-traffic areas such as residential neighborhoods, near schools, or close to markets. The accessibility and visibility of your machine will play a significant role in attracting customers.

Step 3: Obtain the Required Permits and Licenses

Before launching your milk ATM vending machine business, ensure that you comply with all the legal requirements. Obtain the necessary permits and licenses from the relevant authorities, such as the county health department. Adhering to the regulations will help you establish a reputable and trustworthy business.

Step 4: Source Fresh Milk from Reliable Suppliers

To offer customers high-quality and safe milk, establish partnerships with reputable dairy farmers or milk cooperatives. Ensure that the milk you dispense meets all health and safety standards. Maintaining the freshness and quality of the milk is vital for customer satisfaction and the success of your business.

Step 5: Set Competitive Pricing

Determining the right pricing for your milk ATM vending machine is crucial. Research the market rates and competitors in your area to set a competitive price that will attract customers while ensuring a reasonable profit margin. Consider factors such as the cost of milk, machine maintenance, electricity, and other overhead expenses when setting your prices.

Step 6: Promote Your Business

Effective marketing is essential for the success of any business. Utilize various marketing channels to create awareness about your milk ATM vending machine. Leverage social media platforms, local advertising, and word-of-mouth to reach your target audience. Highlight the convenience, freshness, and hygiene of your milk ATM to attract more customers.

Step 7: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Delivering exceptional customer service will help build trust and loyalty among your customers. Ensure that your milk ATM vending machine is always clean and well-maintained. Train your staff to be courteous, helpful, and knowledgeable about the milk and the machine’s operation. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your business to others.
By following these steps and implementing them diligently, you can establish a profitable milk ATM vending machine business in Kenya. Remember to partner with authorized sellers like Tassmatt Limited to ensure the reliability and longevity of your machine. Start your journey today and tap into the growing demand for fresh milk in a convenient and modern way!
For more information on milk ATMs and to explore the options available, visit Tassmatt Limited’s website at or contact them directly at 0726410068.
Operation & Common FAQs On Milk ATM Vending Machine In Kenya

In recent years, Kenya has witnessed a significant transformation in the way milk is distributed and sold. One innovative solution that has gained immense popularity is the Milk ATM vending machine. These state-of-the-art machines offer a convenient and hygienic method of purchasing fresh milk directly from the source. In this article, we explore the concept of Milk ATM vending machines, their benefits, and how Tassmatt Limited is leading the way as an accredited seller of these machines in Kenya.

What is a Milk ATM Vending Machine?

A Milk ATM vending machine is an automated self-service dispenser that allows consumers to purchase fresh milk in a hassle-free manner. Similar to an automated teller machine (ATM) for cash withdrawal, these machines provide a quick and efficient way to access milk. The concept has revolutionized the traditional milk distribution system, ensuring better quality control and convenience for both farmers and consumers.

Benefits of Milk ATM Vending Machines:

  1. Quality and Freshness: Milk from the vending machines is sourced directly from local dairy farmers, ensuring freshness and superior quality. Consumers can enjoy pure, unadulterated milk with confidence.
  2. Hygiene and Safety: Milk ATM vending machines are designed with strict hygiene standards in mind. The machines are made of food-grade materials, and the milk is stored in airtight, refrigerated containers to maintain its freshness and prevent contamination.
  3. Convenience and Accessibility: These machines are strategically placed in various locations, making it convenient for consumers to access fresh milk whenever they need it. Whether it’s a residential area, shopping center, or educational institution, Milk ATMs provide easy access to milk throughout the day.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Milk from vending machines is often priced competitively, offering consumers an affordable option for high-quality milk. Additionally, the machines allow consumers to purchase the desired quantity, reducing potential wastage.


Tassmatt Limited: Leading Accredited Sellers of Milk ATM Vending Machines

Tassmatt Limited is at the forefront of the Milk ATM revolution in Kenya. As an accredited seller, they offer high-quality, reliable, and technologically advanced Milk ATM vending machines. With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, Tassmatt Limited has gained a reputation for providing top-notch machines that meet the needs of both dairy farmers and consumers.

Ordering a Milk ATM Vending Machine:

Whether you’re a dairy farmer looking to expand your business or a consumer seeking a reliable source of fresh milk, Milk ATM vending machines offer a revolutionary solution that combines convenience, hygiene, and quality. With Tassmatt Limited as your trusted partner, acquiring a Milk ATM vending machine in Kenya has never been easier.

Tassmatt Limited’s Commitment to Excellence:

Tassmatt Limited is dedicated to delivering excellence in every aspect of their service. Their team of experts understands the unique needs of the dairy industry and works closely with customers to ensure their specific requirements are met. By choosing Tassmatt Limited as your supplier, you can expect:

  1. High-Quality Machines: Tassmatt Limited sources and supplies Milk ATM vending machines that are manufactured to the highest standards. These machines are built to withstand the demands of daily use, ensuring durability and longevity.
  2. Comprehensive Support: Tassmatt Limited goes beyond simply selling machines. They provide comprehensive support throughout the entire process, from installation and training to ongoing maintenance and technical assistance. Their knowledgeable team is always available to address any concerns or inquiries that may arise.
  3. Customized Solutions: Tassmatt Limited recognizes that every dairy business is unique. They offer personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re a small-scale farmer or a large dairy operation. Their expertise allows them to recommend the most suitable machine capacity and configuration for your business requirements.
  4. Timely Delivery: Tassmatt Limited understands the importance of timely delivery. They strive to ensure that your Milk ATM vending machine is delivered promptly and efficiently, minimizing any potential downtime for your dairy business.

The Ordering Process:

Ordering a Milk ATM vending machine from Tassmatt Limited is a seamless process designed to make your experience as convenient as possible. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit the Website: Head to, the official website of Tassmatt Limited, where you will find detailed information about their range of Milk ATM vending machines, including specifications, features, and pricing.
  2. Select Your Machine: Choose the machine that best suits your requirements. Consider factors such as capacity, display options, and additional features that may enhance the functionality of your Milk ATM.
  3. Place Your Order: Once you have made your selection, simply follow the instructions on the website to place your order securely. Alternatively, you can contact Tassmatt Limited directly via phone at +254 726410068 to discuss your needs and initiate the ordering process.
  4. Installation and Training: Upon delivery, Tassmatt Limited will provide professional installation and conduct comprehensive training for you and your staff. This ensures that you are fully equipped to operate and maintain the Milk ATM vending machine effectively.

Embrace the Future of Milk Distribution:

Milk ATM vending machines are transforming the way dairy products are accessed and distributed in Kenya. By partnering with Tassmatt Limited, an accredited seller of these innovative machines, you can be confident in the quality, reliability, and support you will receive.

Unlock the potential of your dairy business and offer consumers a convenient and trustworthy way to access fresh milk. Visit or call +254 726410068 today to order your Milk ATM vending machine from Tassmatt Limited and join the growing community of dairy entrepreneurs who are revolutionizing the milk industry in Kenya.

Common Frequently Asked Questions With Answers On Milk ATM Vending Machine In Kenya

1. What is a milk ATM vending machine?

A milk ATM vending machine is a machine that dispenses milk on demand. The machine is equipped with a refrigerated storage tank that holds fresh milk, and it dispenses milk through a nozzle after the customer inserts cash or uses an electronic payment system to purchase milk.

2. How much milk can a milk ATM vending machine hold?

The amount of milk a milk ATM vending machine can hold depends on the size and capacity of the machine. However, most milk ATM vending machines can hold from 100liters of milk and costs around 80,000Kshs according to Tassmatt Limited.

3. Can I operate a milk ATM vending machine in rural areas?

Yes, you can operate a milk ATM vending machine in rural areas, as it can increase access to affordable and safe milk in areas where access to fresh milk is limited.

4. How does a milk ATM vending machine work?

A milk ATM vending machine works by dispensing milk through a nozzle after the customer inserts cash or uses an electronic payment system to purchase milk. The machine is equipped with a scanner that reads the customer’s payment, and it then dispenses the amount of milk that the customer has purchased.

5. What are the benefits of using a milk ATM vending machine?

There are several benefits to using a milk ATM vending machine. These include:

  • Convenience: Milk ATM vending machines are located in convenient locations, such as supermarkets, shopping malls, and petrol stations. This makes it easy for people to purchase milk on demand.
  • Freshness: Milk ATM vending machines dispense fresh milk that has been pasteurized and homogenized. This ensures that the milk is safe to drink and that it has a long shelf life.
  • Affordability: Milk ATM vending machines offer milk at competitive prices. This makes it a more affordable option for people who want to purchase fresh milk.

6. What are the drawbacks of using a milk ATM vending machine?

There are a few drawbacks to using a milk ATM vending machine. These include:

  • Cost: The cost of purchasing a milk ATM vending machine can be high. However, the cost of operating the machine is relatively low, so the overall investment can be recouped over time.
  • Maintenance: Milk ATM vending machines require regular maintenance to ensure that they are operating properly. This can be a time-consuming and costly process.
  • Security: Milk ATM vending machines are a target for theft. This is because the machines contain large amounts of cash and milk.

7. What are the different types of milk ATM vending machines?

There are two main types of milk ATM vending machines:

  • Single-serve machines: These machines dispense a single serving of milk at a time.
  • Bulk machines: These machines dispense larger quantities of milk, such as 1-liter or 2-liter cartons.

8. What are the different payment methods that can be used to purchase milk from a milk ATM vending machine?

The most common payment methods that can be used to purchase milk from a milk ATM vending machine are cash, mpesa and credit cards.

9. What are the different milk brands that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk brands that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the location of the machine. However, some of the most common brands include Brookside, KCC, and Diamond Fresh.

10. What are the different milk flavors that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk flavors that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the location of the machine. However, some of the most common flavors include whole milk, skim milk, and chocolate milk.

11. What are the different milk sizes that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk sizes that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the machine. However, some of the most common sizes can range from 100ml to as 40ltr

12. What are the different milk prices that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk prices that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the brand, flavor, and size of the milk. However, some of the most common prices range from Ksh. 10 to Ksh. 550.

13. Where can I find milk ATM vending machines in Kenya?

Milk ATM vending machines can be found in various locations in Kenya, including supermarkets, shopping malls, and petrol stations. You can also find a list of milk ATM vending machines in Kenya on the websites of the milk companies that operate the machines like

14. How do I know if a milk ATM vending machine is safe?

There are a few things you can look for to ensure that a milk ATM vending machine is safe. These include:

  • The machine should be clean and well-maintained.
  • The milk should be stored in a refrigerated environment.
  • The machine should have a tamper-evident seal on the milk container.

15. What should I do if I find a milk ATM vending machine that is not safe?

If you find a milk ATM vending machine that is not safe, you should report it to the milk company that operates the machine. You can also contact the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) to report the machine.

16. What are the future trends for milk ATM vending machines in Kenya?

The future trends for milk ATM vending machines in Kenya are promising. The increasing demand for fresh milk, the growing popularity of healthy living, and the rising urbanization in Kenya are all factors that are driving the growth of the milk ATM vending machine market.

17. What are the challenges facing the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya?

The challenges facing the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya include:

  • The high cost of purchasing and operating milk ATM vending machines.
  • The lack of awareness about milk ATM vending machines among consumers.
  • The security risks associated with milk ATM vending machines.

18. What are the opportunities for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya?

The opportunities for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya include:

  • The growing demand for fresh milk.
  • The rising popularity of healthy living.
  • The increasing urbanization in Kenya.

19. What are the recommendations for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya?

The recommendations for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya include:

  • The government should provide incentives to milk companies to invest in milk ATM vending machines.
  • The milk companies should educate consumers about the benefits of milk ATM vending machines.
  • The milk companies should work with security companies to reduce the security risks associated with milk ATM vending machines.

20. What is the future of milk ATM vending machines in Kenya?

The future of milk ATM vending machines in Kenya is bright. The increasing demand for fresh milk, the growing popularity of healthy living, and the rising urbanization in Kenya are all factors that are driving the growth of the milk ATM vending machine market. With the right investments and support, the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya has the potential to grow significantly in the coming years.


Tassmatt Limited: Bringing Convenience to Githunguri Supermarket with Milk ATM Vending Machines

Operating a supermarket can be challenging, especially when dealing with perishable goods such as milk. To address this concern, the owner of a popular supermarket in Githunguri, Mr. Kimani, recently reached out to Tassmatt Limited for their expertise in supplying and installing a milk vending machine.

Tassmatt Limited is a professional company renowned for providing high-quality and cost-effective automated solutions for small and medium-sized businesses in Kenya. With their in-depth knowledge of the dairy industry and experience in vending machine installations, Tassmatt Limited was the perfect partner for Mr. Kimani’s project.

The primary requirement of the project was to install a 400L Milk ATM capacity machine, capable of supplying fresh milk to customers around the clock. The machine is equipped with an interactive display and a convenient payment system that accepts various payment methods, including cash and mobile money.

The Tassmatt Limited team worked diligently and completed the installation within the agreed-upon timeline. They ensured the machine was fully functional, met all safety regulations, and had adequate provisions for cleaning and maintenance.

Tassmatt Limited team installing a brand new milk ATM machine in Githunguri

Now, customers of the Githunguri Supermarket can get fresh and pure milk whenever they need it, without queuing in long lines. This convenience has made the supermarket the talk of the town, thanks to the efforts of Tassmatt Limited.

To provide a premium experience, Tassmatt Limited trained Mr. Kimani’s staff on the machine’s operation and the proper maintenance of the milk ATM. This knowledge transfer ensures that the machine operates optimally and Mr. Kimani’s staff can provide prompt assistance to customers when needed.

With the Milk ATM machine now installed and operational, the residents of Githunguri can now buy fresh milk at their convenience day or night. The success of the Githunguri project has strengthened Tassmatt Limited’s reputation as a reliable and innovative provider of automated solutions in Kenya.

Moreover, the milk vending machine installed by Tassmatt Limited not only provides convenience to the supermarket’s customers but also helps to promote the local dairy industry. The machine provides an opportunity for small-scale dairy farmers in the region to sell their milk directly to consumers, cutting out the need for middlemen who often charge exorbitant prices, reducing the farmers’ profits.

This initiative resonates with Tassmatt Limited’s mission of empowering small and medium-sized enterprises in Kenya by providing the tools and expertise they need to succeed. By supporting local farmers, Tassmatt Limited is also contributing to the growth of the local economy, which aligns with the company’s commitment to social responsibility.

Tassmatt Limited continues to revolutionize the automated solutions industry in Kenya by providing innovative and high-quality technology solutions for various industries. The company’s reputation for quality and reliability makes it a preferred partner for businesses across the country.

The success of the Githunguri Supermarket project is a testament to Tassmatt Limited’s commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. The project highlights the company’s ability to deliver custom solutions that meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that they remain competitive in their respective industries.

In conclusion, Tassmatt Limited’s installation of a milk vending machine at Githunguri Supermarket has set a new standard for convenience, quality, and reliability in the dairy industry. By promoting local dairy farmers and providing innovative solutions, Tassmatt Limited is contributing to the growth of the local economy and helping small and medium-sized businesses succeed. The success of the project is proof that Tassmatt Limited is a leader in the provision of cost-effective, high-quality automated solutions in Kenya.

Tassmatt Limited’s milk vending machine installation project at Githunguri Supermarket is just one example of its commitment to providing innovative automated systems for businesses in Kenya. The company offers a wide range of automated systems, including but not limited to, cooking oil atms, kerossene atms, water vending machines, and water purification systems in Kenya.

Tassmatt Limited prides itself on the professional expertise, quality of service, and customer care it provides to its clients. The company’s team of experienced engineers and technicians works closely with clients to understand their needs and provide customized solutions that meet their specific requirements.

The company’s comprehensive knowledge of the local industry, coupled with its focus on quality and reliability, has earned it a reputation as a leader in the provision of automated solutions in the region. Tassmatt Limited also offers aftersales support, including maintenance and repair services, to ensure that the installed systems operate optimally and meet clients’ expectations.

Tassmatt Limited’s commitment to quality and innovation has helped it establish strategic partnerships with leading global manufacturers of automated vending systems. These partnerships allow Tassmatt Limited to offer clients the latest technological advancements in vending machines, providing them with a competitive edge in their respective industries.

The company’s emphasis on social responsibility is evident in its efforts to support local industries, such as the dairy industry. By connecting small-scale dairy farmers directly with consumers, Tassmatt Limited helps to promote fair trade practices, ensure quality, and increase the profit margins of local farmers.

In conclusion, Tassmatt Limited’s successful installation of the 400L Milk ATM capacity in Githunguri Supermarket demonstrates the company’s commitment to meeting the unique needs of its clients. Mr. Kimani’s trust in Tassmatt Limited’s expertise, quality of service, and customer care further cements the company’s status as a leader in the provision of cutting-edge automated systems with emphasis on quality, reliability and efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions On Milk ATM Vending Machine In Kenya

In Kenya, a milk ATM is a self-service vending machine that dispenses raw or pasteurized milk to customers. The milk is sourced directly from dairy farmers and stored in refrigerated tanks before being dispensed through the machine. Milk ATMs have become increasingly popular in Kenya in recent years, as they offer a convenient and affordable way for consumers to access fresh milk.

Customers typically bring their own containers and select the amount of milk they want to purchase, which is dispensed into the container and charged based on the volume dispensed. The milk is usually sold at a lower price than in traditional retail stores since it bypasses middlemen and reduces transportation costs.

Milk ATMs have also helped to improve the livelihoods of small-scale dairy farmers by providing them with a direct market for their milk and eliminating the need to rely on intermediaries. They have also contributed to reducing milk spoilage and wastage by enabling farmers to sell their milk quickly and efficiently.

Here are the top FAQs on Milk ATM Machine in Kenya

  1. What is a milk ATM vending machine? A milk ATM vending machine is an automated machine that dispenses milk to customers who insert cash or use an electronic payment system to purchase milk.
  2. How does a milk ATM vending machine work? A milk ATM vending machine works by dispensing milk through a nozzle after the customer inserts cash or uses an electronic payment system to purchase milk.
  3. What is the cost of a milk ATM vending machine in Kenya? The cost of a milk ATM vending machine in Kenya depends on the size and capacity of the machine. However, the average cost of a milk ATM vending machine in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 70,000 to Ksh. 500,000.
  4. What are the benefits of a milk ATM vending machine? Milk ATM vending machines have several benefits, including increasing access to affordable and safe milk, reducing milk wastage, creating employment opportunities, and promoting entrepreneurship.
  5. How do I maintain a milk ATM vending machine? To maintain a milk ATM vending machine, you should clean and sanitize the machine regularly, ensure that the milk is stored at the right temperature, and perform regular maintenance checks.
  6. Can I use a milk ATM vending machine to sell other products? Yes, you can use a milk ATM vending machine to sell other products, such as yogurt, cheese, and butter though this will need a slight modification.
  7. How do I ensure the milk is safe for consumption? To ensure the milk is safe for consumption, you should source the milk from reputable and licensed dairy farmers, pasteurize the milk before dispensing, and ensure that the milk is stored at the right temperature.
  8. How do I set the price of milk for my milk ATM vending machine? You should set the price of milk for your milk ATM vending machine based on the cost of production, market demand, and competition.
  9. How do I market my milk ATM vending machine business? You can market your milk ATM vending machine business through social media, flyers, word of mouth, and advertising.
  10. Can I operate a milk ATM vending machine as a side business? Yes, you can operate a milk ATM vending machine as a side business, as it requires minimal time and effort to operate.
  11. Do I need a license to operate a milk ATM vending machine in Kenya? Yes, you need a license from the Kenya Dairy Board to operate a milk ATM vending machine in Kenya.
  12. How long does it take to install a milk ATM vending machine? The installation of a milk ATM vending machine can take a few hours to a few days, depending on the complexity of the installation.
  13. Can I customize the design of my milk ATM vending machine? Yes, you can customize the design of your milk ATM vending machine to suit your branding and marketing needs.
  14. How do I ensure the security of my milk ATM vending machine? To ensure the security of your milk ATM vending machine, you should install security cameras, use secure payment systems, and ensure that the machine is located in a secure and visible location.
  15. Can I offer discounts on milk purchased from my milk ATM vending machine? Yes, you can offer discounts on milk purchased from your milk ATM vending machine to attract more customers.
  16. How do I ensure the milk ATM vending machine operates efficiently? To ensure that the milk ATM vending machine operates efficiently, you should perform regular maintenance checks, use high-quality parts and components, and train your staff on how to operate and maintain the machine.
  17. How much milk can a milk ATM vending machine hold? The amount of milk a milk ATM vending machine can hold depends on the size and capacity of the machine. However, most milk ATM vending machines can hold up to 500 liters of milk.
  18. Can I operate a milk ATM vending machine in rural areas? Yes, you can operate a milk ATM vending machine in rural areas, as it can increase access to affordable and safe milk in areas where access to fresh milk is limited.
  19. How do I ensure the milk ATM vending machine meets health and safety standards? To ensure that the milk ATM vending machine meets health and safety standards, you should ensure that the machine is clean and sanitized, the milk is stored at the right temperature, and the machine is located in a clean and safe environment.
  20. How do I troubleshoot common problems with a milk ATM vending machine? Common problems with a milk ATM vending machine include power failures, dispensing errors, and mechanical problems. To troubleshoot these problems, you should refer to the user manual or contact a qualified technician for assistance.

For quality milk atm machines, you can buy and compare prices at website or by contacting 0726-410068

Milk ATM Business Plan For A New Investor

To conduct a cost analysis on a milk ATM business in Kenya, we need to consider the various expenses involved in starting and running the business. Here are the key costs to consider:

  1. Milk ATM machine: The cost of a milk vending machine can range from Ksh. 100,000 to Ksh. 300,000 depending on the size, capacity, and features. A basic model that can hold up to 200 liters of milk can cost around Ksh. 150,000.
  2. Location: You will need to rent or lease a space to install the milk ATM machine. The cost of rent or lease will depend on the location and size of the space. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate a revenue-sharing agreement with the landlord.
  3. Licensing and permits: To operate a milk ATM business in Kenya, you will need to obtain a business permit from the county government and a food hygiene certificate from the Ministry of Health. The cost of obtaining these licenses and permits can vary, but it typically ranges from Ksh. 10,000 to Ksh. 20,000.
  4. Milk supply: The cost of milk will depend on the volume and quality of milk you require. The price of milk can vary depending on the season, but it typically ranges from Ksh. 35 to Ksh. 50 per liter.
  5. Utilities: You will need to pay for electricity and water to operate the milk ATM machine. The cost of utilities will depend on the consumption and tariff rates in your area.
  6. Maintenance and repairs: You will need to maintain and repair the milk ATM machine regularly to ensure that it is functioning properly. The cost of maintenance and repairs will depend on the frequency and severity of issues.
  7. Marketing and advertising: You will need to promote your milk ATM business to attract customers. The cost of marketing and advertising can vary depending on the channels and strategies used.

Based on these costs, we can estimate the total startup cost and monthly expenses for a milk ATM business in Kenya as follows:

Startup costs:

  • Milk ATM machine: Ksh. 150,000
  • Licensing and permits: Ksh. 20,000
  • Rent: Ksh. 15,000
  • Initial milk supply: Ksh. 50,000
  • Marketing and advertising: Ksh. 10,000
  • Total startup cost: Ksh. 245,000

Monthly expenses:

  • Milk supply: Ksh. 150,000
  • Utilities: Ksh. 5,000
  • Maintenance and repairs: Ksh. 5,000
  • Rent: Ksh. 15,000
  • Marketing and advertising: Ksh. 5,000
  • Total monthly expenses: Ksh. 180,000

Assuming an average selling price of Ksh. 50 per liter and a daily sales volume of 200 liters, the monthly revenue for the milk ATM business would be Ksh. 300,000. This would result in a monthly profit of Ksh. 120,000, after deducting the monthly expenses.

Note that the actual costs and revenue for a milk ATM business in Kenya may vary depending on factors such as location, competition, and market demand. It is important to conduct a thorough market analysis and cost analysis before starting a milk ATM business.

Milk ATM Business In Kenya, feedback from happy customer in Nairobi

Its Saturday afternoon when the team from Tassmatt Limited delivered and installed the brand new 200L milk atm to a customer in Nairobi Kawangware, the happy customer had previous day made an order online at and was followed by a phonecal from Tassmatt representative.

According to wikipedia, the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, Kawangware’s population was 133,286 people at this time. It is estimated that 65% of the population are children and youths. Most inhabitants live on less than $2 (although they earn in shillings) a day and unemployment is high; many are self-employed traders. There is a diversity of ethnic backgrounds. Kawangware slum has more posho mills than bars, making it an ‘ugali nation’ for its over 130,000 mouths whose palates, unlike those of other Nairobians, have no time for supermarket unga, the grade-one sifted maize meal favoured by middle-class stomachs.

This according to Mr Wanjau, the investor of the new milk atm is an ideal area for milk business, the high population with low income would get affordable safe milk from as low as 10Kshs.

Mr Wanjau has setup the milk business as an add-on to his local shop that he sells common day to day household commodities.

“I am very delighted and happy, i normally don’t do online shopping by today i got a sure bet, the machine is here, its working well, the support and advice from Tassmatt team is on another level, i would recommend anyone who wants to invest on a milk atm to consult Tassmatt, they are the wizzards, am looking foward to install two other machine before August” Said Mr Wanjau

About Milk ATM Business in Kenya

The milk ATM business in Kenya has gained popularity in recent years, especially in urban areas where there is a high demand for fresh and affordable milk. Milk ATMs are essentially vending machines that dispense milk from a refrigerated storage unit. Customers can use their mobile phones to pay for the milk, which is dispensed into their own containers.

To start a milk ATM business in Kenya, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Conduct market research: Before starting any business, it is important to understand the market demand, competition, and pricing. Research the local market to determine the demand for fresh milk, the competition, and the pricing of other milk products.
  2. Identify a suitable location: Look for a location that is easily accessible and visible to potential customers. The location should be close to residential areas and have access to a reliable source of electricity and water.
  3. Obtain the necessary licenses and permits: To operate a milk ATM business in Kenya, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits from the relevant government authorities. This includes a business permit from the county government and a food hygiene certificate from the Ministry of Health.
  4. Purchase and install the milk ATM machine: Purchase a high-quality milk vending machine that is designed to dispense fresh milk. Install the machine in a visible and secure location, and ensure that it is regularly maintained and cleaned.
  5. Source high-quality milk: Work with local dairy farmers or milk processors to ensure a steady supply of high-quality milk. Ensure that the milk is fresh and safe for consumption, and that it is stored at the correct temperature.
  6. Market your business: Use social media, local newspapers, and flyers to promote your milk ATM business. Offer discounts and promotions to attract new customers, and provide excellent customer service to retain existing customers.

Overall, the milk ATM business in Kenya can be a profitable and rewarding venture, provided that you conduct thorough research, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, and provide high-quality and affordable milk to your customers


How i make Kshs 200,000 from milk atm business in Nairobi West

As the business of milk atm keep raising and raising, we have witnessed entrepreneurs making huge profits and maximizing existing businesses through use of milk atm machine and cooking oil atm as an addon. This has been attributed to quality standards by milk atm sellers in Kenya like Tassmatt Limited.

Victor is an entrepreneur who runs a milk ATM machine business in Nairobi. He shares a story of how he makes a monthly profit of at least Ksh200, 000.

“I am Victor and I own Milk ATM Machine in Nairobi West. I started the business in 2014, when milk was in a great demand and only supermarkets were having ATM machines.

My parents wanted me to be an accountant, but I ignored them and went my own way-that was after I graduated in 2013.

The decision to start this business was motivated by the fact that most people in Nairobi are not fond of buying packaged milk from companies like Fresha and Brookside. They believe the price of this milk is exaggerated.

I first inquired from one of the supermarkets in Nairobi how I can get a milk ATM machine. That was the time I realized even OLX (the former JIJI) has a variety of this. I went straight to OLX and searched for the machine, only to be told it was going for Ksh 200,000 at the time. The shock almost forced me to give up.

After two weeks of figuring out what to do, I decided to take a loan from Equity Bank using my title deed. Luckily, Equity offered to give me a loan of Ksh 500,000, which I used to set up my business.

In 2014, approached Kenya Dairy Board for a license .Then I went for a trading license from Nairobi County. I also took Ksh 180, 000, which I paid for my milk ATM Machine at Tassmatt Limited at their Umoja showroom.

Setting up the business cost me Ksh 350,000.

After setting up the business, the major challenge was where to source the milk. initially,I thought it was easy until I realized most people take their milk to big companies like KCC and Brookside. To convince them, I had to pay more than what these companies paid. I now source the milk from Kajiado, Limuru  and Kiambu.

How I make Ksh 200,000 per month from milk atm business.

I but a litre of milk at Ksh 80 and sell at 90,making a profit of Ksh 10 per litre.i supply the milk to 4 schools,5 hotels and  and also sell to individuals who visit my shop. In a single day, I manage to sell 800-100 liters of milk, which yield between Ksh 8,000 to Ksh10,00.

When I subtract my expenses, I remain with Ksh 6,000-Ksh7,500.

Advantage of milk atm business

One advantage of Milk ATM Machine is that once the milk arrives at my shop, the only work I do is to ensure it’s in the machine and the place is clean. I actually don’t have a lot of work to do”

Lesson I have leant on milk atm business

One lesson I have learnt is, in business you are not supposed to postpone anything; if you have an idea implement it, regardless of whether you have capital or not. If capital is the major hindrance, simply go for unsecured loan or look for money from friends and family members”.

The Trends On Milk ATM Business In Kenya 2023

Milk vending ATM machine, popularly known in Kenya as milk ATM, is an innovation for retailing milk, with automation design to dispense chilled, pasteurized, and ready to drink milk. Automation offers several comparative safety and business opportunities in milk retailing. Automation minimizes milk handling, which should enhance hygiene and assure quality and safety to consumers. Automated milk dispensing is a quicker and easier means to measure any volume of milk that a consumer may want.

milk atm by Tassmatt Limited being delivered in Umoja
milk atm by Tassmatt Limited being delivered in Umoja

An ATM is an automated facility that dispenses chilled, pasteurized, ready-to-drink milk that is sold unpackaged. The ATM offers several advantages. For the business, they eliminate packaging and processing which lower retail prices, and automated business transactions ease monitoring of sales turnover. Consumers expect ATM milk from Milk ATM to enhance hygiene and offer affordable milk of any desired volume, matching their variable purchasing capacities.

Recent economic surveys in Kenya show a steady growth in sales of processed milk and dairy products (KNBS, 2016). The demand is likely greater among urban consumers, given their higher incomes and changing dietary habits with trend towards more milk and meat. Coupled with this increase are innovative businesses that have emerged to deliver affordable pasteurized milk to consumers through dispensing machines, popularly known as ‘milk ATMs’ in Kenya.

Milk ATMs are now widespread in Kenya and are located in various strategic outlets: retail shops, farms, cooperatives, supermarkets and milk bars. As part of the growing Kenyan dairy industry, the ATM enterprises are expanding, even as safety of fluid milk remains a highly debated issue of public concern. Operating an ATM requires reliable power and a clean water supply to ensure milk quality is not compromised. Regulations require that the ATM is cleaned once every 24 hours to assure high quality of milk and to minimize loss from spoilage. If you are keen follower of our articles, you will notice that companies such as Tassmatt Limited supplies Milk ATM Vending Machines that have self cleaning capacity. A user does not need to clean it manually.

Though milk ATM  is an emerging innovation in milk retailing, information about the ATM as a retailing enterprise and their value offer for quality milk is scanty. On this Milk ATM Kenya Website, we normally highlight most of our findings at a consumer and business point of view. We collect information from the raw field and this helps us to improve the quality of Milk ATM Machines manufactured and supplied by in Kenya, the quality of milk too.

The growing milk ATMs retail innovation offers good business opportunities and is attracting consumers
because of the competitively priced milk they offer. The exponential growth in milk retailing through ATMs is indicative of its potential to expand the country’s level of milk processing and this expansion could reduce the
challenges of the dominant raw milk market in Kenya.

Message To Potential Milk ATM Investors In Kenya

  • The milk ATM market segment has potential to be a game changer in expanding the formal milk market in Kenya.
  • While the exponential growth of the ATM milk market is concentrated in a few towns; under right conditions this can expand to other towns.
  • Affordability of ATM milk offers the potential of upgrading the formal milk market share, especially if quality concerns are addressed. The raw milk market is the biggest competitor for ATM milk.
  • ATM milk is purchased by consumers of all income categories, but mostly by low- and middle-income earners.
  • Some consumers’ perceptions of quality and safety of ATM milk impedes growth of the segment.
  • The ATM milk market has stimulated a diverse business ecosystem with enormous business and employment opportunities, also for youth and women.

Development can further be boosted by policy and regulations and  Business development support.
