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Milk ATM Business In Kenya, feedback from happy customer in Nairobi

Its Saturday afternoon when the team from Tassmatt Limited delivered and installed the brand new 200L milk atm to a customer in Nairobi Kawangware, the happy customer had previous day made an order online at and was followed by a phonecal from Tassmatt representative.

According to wikipedia, the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, Kawangware’s population was 133,286 people at this time. It is estimated that 65% of the population are children and youths. Most inhabitants live on less than $2 (although they earn in shillings) a day and unemployment is high; many are self-employed traders. There is a diversity of ethnic backgrounds. Kawangware slum has more posho mills than bars, making it an ‘ugali nation’ for its over 130,000 mouths whose palates, unlike those of other Nairobians, have no time for supermarket unga, the grade-one sifted maize meal favoured by middle-class stomachs.

This according to Mr Wanjau, the investor of the new milk atm is an ideal area for milk business, the high population with low income would get affordable safe milk from as low as 10Kshs.

Mr Wanjau has setup the milk business as an add-on to his local shop that he sells common day to day household commodities.

“I am very delighted and happy, i normally don’t do online shopping by today i got a sure bet, the machine is here, its working well, the support and advice from Tassmatt team is on another level, i would recommend anyone who wants to invest on a milk atm to consult Tassmatt, they are the wizzards, am looking foward to install two other machine before August” Said Mr Wanjau

About Milk ATM Business in Kenya

The milk ATM business in Kenya has gained popularity in recent years, especially in urban areas where there is a high demand for fresh and affordable milk. Milk ATMs are essentially vending machines that dispense milk from a refrigerated storage unit. Customers can use their mobile phones to pay for the milk, which is dispensed into their own containers.

To start a milk ATM business in Kenya, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Conduct market research: Before starting any business, it is important to understand the market demand, competition, and pricing. Research the local market to determine the demand for fresh milk, the competition, and the pricing of other milk products.
  2. Identify a suitable location: Look for a location that is easily accessible and visible to potential customers. The location should be close to residential areas and have access to a reliable source of electricity and water.
  3. Obtain the necessary licenses and permits: To operate a milk ATM business in Kenya, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits from the relevant government authorities. This includes a business permit from the county government and a food hygiene certificate from the Ministry of Health.
  4. Purchase and install the milk ATM machine: Purchase a high-quality milk vending machine that is designed to dispense fresh milk. Install the machine in a visible and secure location, and ensure that it is regularly maintained and cleaned.
  5. Source high-quality milk: Work with local dairy farmers or milk processors to ensure a steady supply of high-quality milk. Ensure that the milk is fresh and safe for consumption, and that it is stored at the correct temperature.
  6. Market your business: Use social media, local newspapers, and flyers to promote your milk ATM business. Offer discounts and promotions to attract new customers, and provide excellent customer service to retain existing customers.

Overall, the milk ATM business in Kenya can be a profitable and rewarding venture, provided that you conduct thorough research, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, and provide high-quality and affordable milk to your customers


How i make Kshs 200,000 from milk atm business in Nairobi West

As the business of milk atm keep raising and raising, we have witnessed entrepreneurs making huge profits and maximizing existing businesses through use of milk atm machine and cooking oil atm as an addon. This has been attributed to quality standards by milk atm sellers in Kenya like Tassmatt Limited.

Victor is an entrepreneur who runs a milk ATM machine business in Nairobi. He shares a story of how he makes a monthly profit of at least Ksh200, 000.

“I am Victor and I own Milk ATM Machine in Nairobi West. I started the business in 2014, when milk was in a great demand and only supermarkets were having ATM machines.

My parents wanted me to be an accountant, but I ignored them and went my own way-that was after I graduated in 2013.

The decision to start this business was motivated by the fact that most people in Nairobi are not fond of buying packaged milk from companies like Fresha and Brookside. They believe the price of this milk is exaggerated.

I first inquired from one of the supermarkets in Nairobi how I can get a milk ATM machine. That was the time I realized even OLX (the former JIJI) has a variety of this. I went straight to OLX and searched for the machine, only to be told it was going for Ksh 200,000 at the time. The shock almost forced me to give up.

After two weeks of figuring out what to do, I decided to take a loan from Equity Bank using my title deed. Luckily, Equity offered to give me a loan of Ksh 500,000, which I used to set up my business.

In 2014, approached Kenya Dairy Board for a license .Then I went for a trading license from Nairobi County. I also took Ksh 180, 000, which I paid for my milk ATM Machine at Tassmatt Limited at their Umoja showroom.

Setting up the business cost me Ksh 350,000.

After setting up the business, the major challenge was where to source the milk. initially,I thought it was easy until I realized most people take their milk to big companies like KCC and Brookside. To convince them, I had to pay more than what these companies paid. I now source the milk from Kajiado, Limuru  and Kiambu.

How I make Ksh 200,000 per month from milk atm business.

I but a litre of milk at Ksh 80 and sell at 90,making a profit of Ksh 10 per litre.i supply the milk to 4 schools,5 hotels and  and also sell to individuals who visit my shop. In a single day, I manage to sell 800-100 liters of milk, which yield between Ksh 8,000 to Ksh10,00.

When I subtract my expenses, I remain with Ksh 6,000-Ksh7,500.

Advantage of milk atm business

One advantage of Milk ATM Machine is that once the milk arrives at my shop, the only work I do is to ensure it’s in the machine and the place is clean. I actually don’t have a lot of work to do”

Lesson I have leant on milk atm business

One lesson I have learnt is, in business you are not supposed to postpone anything; if you have an idea implement it, regardless of whether you have capital or not. If capital is the major hindrance, simply go for unsecured loan or look for money from friends and family members”.