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Operation & Common FAQs On Milk ATM Vending Machine In Kenya

In recent years, Kenya has witnessed a significant transformation in the way milk is distributed and sold. One innovative solution that has gained immense popularity is the Milk ATM vending machine. These state-of-the-art machines offer a convenient and hygienic method of purchasing fresh milk directly from the source. In this article, we explore the concept of Milk ATM vending machines, their benefits, and how Tassmatt Limited is leading the way as an accredited seller of these machines in Kenya.

What is a Milk ATM Vending Machine?

A Milk ATM vending machine is an automated self-service dispenser that allows consumers to purchase fresh milk in a hassle-free manner. Similar to an automated teller machine (ATM) for cash withdrawal, these machines provide a quick and efficient way to access milk. The concept has revolutionized the traditional milk distribution system, ensuring better quality control and convenience for both farmers and consumers.

Benefits of Milk ATM Vending Machines:

  1. Quality and Freshness: Milk from the vending machines is sourced directly from local dairy farmers, ensuring freshness and superior quality. Consumers can enjoy pure, unadulterated milk with confidence.
  2. Hygiene and Safety: Milk ATM vending machines are designed with strict hygiene standards in mind. The machines are made of food-grade materials, and the milk is stored in airtight, refrigerated containers to maintain its freshness and prevent contamination.
  3. Convenience and Accessibility: These machines are strategically placed in various locations, making it convenient for consumers to access fresh milk whenever they need it. Whether it’s a residential area, shopping center, or educational institution, Milk ATMs provide easy access to milk throughout the day.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Milk from vending machines is often priced competitively, offering consumers an affordable option for high-quality milk. Additionally, the machines allow consumers to purchase the desired quantity, reducing potential wastage.


Tassmatt Limited: Leading Accredited Sellers of Milk ATM Vending Machines

Tassmatt Limited is at the forefront of the Milk ATM revolution in Kenya. As an accredited seller, they offer high-quality, reliable, and technologically advanced Milk ATM vending machines. With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, Tassmatt Limited has gained a reputation for providing top-notch machines that meet the needs of both dairy farmers and consumers.

Ordering a Milk ATM Vending Machine:

Whether you’re a dairy farmer looking to expand your business or a consumer seeking a reliable source of fresh milk, Milk ATM vending machines offer a revolutionary solution that combines convenience, hygiene, and quality. With Tassmatt Limited as your trusted partner, acquiring a Milk ATM vending machine in Kenya has never been easier.

Tassmatt Limited’s Commitment to Excellence:

Tassmatt Limited is dedicated to delivering excellence in every aspect of their service. Their team of experts understands the unique needs of the dairy industry and works closely with customers to ensure their specific requirements are met. By choosing Tassmatt Limited as your supplier, you can expect:

  1. High-Quality Machines: Tassmatt Limited sources and supplies Milk ATM vending machines that are manufactured to the highest standards. These machines are built to withstand the demands of daily use, ensuring durability and longevity.
  2. Comprehensive Support: Tassmatt Limited goes beyond simply selling machines. They provide comprehensive support throughout the entire process, from installation and training to ongoing maintenance and technical assistance. Their knowledgeable team is always available to address any concerns or inquiries that may arise.
  3. Customized Solutions: Tassmatt Limited recognizes that every dairy business is unique. They offer personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re a small-scale farmer or a large dairy operation. Their expertise allows them to recommend the most suitable machine capacity and configuration for your business requirements.
  4. Timely Delivery: Tassmatt Limited understands the importance of timely delivery. They strive to ensure that your Milk ATM vending machine is delivered promptly and efficiently, minimizing any potential downtime for your dairy business.

The Ordering Process:

Ordering a Milk ATM vending machine from Tassmatt Limited is a seamless process designed to make your experience as convenient as possible. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit the Website: Head to, the official website of Tassmatt Limited, where you will find detailed information about their range of Milk ATM vending machines, including specifications, features, and pricing.
  2. Select Your Machine: Choose the machine that best suits your requirements. Consider factors such as capacity, display options, and additional features that may enhance the functionality of your Milk ATM.
  3. Place Your Order: Once you have made your selection, simply follow the instructions on the website to place your order securely. Alternatively, you can contact Tassmatt Limited directly via phone at +254 726410068 to discuss your needs and initiate the ordering process.
  4. Installation and Training: Upon delivery, Tassmatt Limited will provide professional installation and conduct comprehensive training for you and your staff. This ensures that you are fully equipped to operate and maintain the Milk ATM vending machine effectively.

Embrace the Future of Milk Distribution:

Milk ATM vending machines are transforming the way dairy products are accessed and distributed in Kenya. By partnering with Tassmatt Limited, an accredited seller of these innovative machines, you can be confident in the quality, reliability, and support you will receive.

Unlock the potential of your dairy business and offer consumers a convenient and trustworthy way to access fresh milk. Visit or call +254 726410068 today to order your Milk ATM vending machine from Tassmatt Limited and join the growing community of dairy entrepreneurs who are revolutionizing the milk industry in Kenya.

Common Frequently Asked Questions With Answers On Milk ATM Vending Machine In Kenya

1. What is a milk ATM vending machine?

A milk ATM vending machine is a machine that dispenses milk on demand. The machine is equipped with a refrigerated storage tank that holds fresh milk, and it dispenses milk through a nozzle after the customer inserts cash or uses an electronic payment system to purchase milk.

2. How much milk can a milk ATM vending machine hold?

The amount of milk a milk ATM vending machine can hold depends on the size and capacity of the machine. However, most milk ATM vending machines can hold from 100liters of milk and costs around 80,000Kshs according to Tassmatt Limited.

3. Can I operate a milk ATM vending machine in rural areas?

Yes, you can operate a milk ATM vending machine in rural areas, as it can increase access to affordable and safe milk in areas where access to fresh milk is limited.

4. How does a milk ATM vending machine work?

A milk ATM vending machine works by dispensing milk through a nozzle after the customer inserts cash or uses an electronic payment system to purchase milk. The machine is equipped with a scanner that reads the customer’s payment, and it then dispenses the amount of milk that the customer has purchased.

5. What are the benefits of using a milk ATM vending machine?

There are several benefits to using a milk ATM vending machine. These include:

  • Convenience: Milk ATM vending machines are located in convenient locations, such as supermarkets, shopping malls, and petrol stations. This makes it easy for people to purchase milk on demand.
  • Freshness: Milk ATM vending machines dispense fresh milk that has been pasteurized and homogenized. This ensures that the milk is safe to drink and that it has a long shelf life.
  • Affordability: Milk ATM vending machines offer milk at competitive prices. This makes it a more affordable option for people who want to purchase fresh milk.

6. What are the drawbacks of using a milk ATM vending machine?

There are a few drawbacks to using a milk ATM vending machine. These include:

  • Cost: The cost of purchasing a milk ATM vending machine can be high. However, the cost of operating the machine is relatively low, so the overall investment can be recouped over time.
  • Maintenance: Milk ATM vending machines require regular maintenance to ensure that they are operating properly. This can be a time-consuming and costly process.
  • Security: Milk ATM vending machines are a target for theft. This is because the machines contain large amounts of cash and milk.

7. What are the different types of milk ATM vending machines?

There are two main types of milk ATM vending machines:

  • Single-serve machines: These machines dispense a single serving of milk at a time.
  • Bulk machines: These machines dispense larger quantities of milk, such as 1-liter or 2-liter cartons.

8. What are the different payment methods that can be used to purchase milk from a milk ATM vending machine?

The most common payment methods that can be used to purchase milk from a milk ATM vending machine are cash, mpesa and credit cards.

9. What are the different milk brands that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk brands that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the location of the machine. However, some of the most common brands include Brookside, KCC, and Diamond Fresh.

10. What are the different milk flavors that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk flavors that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the location of the machine. However, some of the most common flavors include whole milk, skim milk, and chocolate milk.

11. What are the different milk sizes that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk sizes that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the machine. However, some of the most common sizes can range from 100ml to as 40ltr

12. What are the different milk prices that are available from milk ATM vending machines?

The milk prices that are available from milk ATM vending machines vary depending on the brand, flavor, and size of the milk. However, some of the most common prices range from Ksh. 10 to Ksh. 550.

13. Where can I find milk ATM vending machines in Kenya?

Milk ATM vending machines can be found in various locations in Kenya, including supermarkets, shopping malls, and petrol stations. You can also find a list of milk ATM vending machines in Kenya on the websites of the milk companies that operate the machines like

14. How do I know if a milk ATM vending machine is safe?

There are a few things you can look for to ensure that a milk ATM vending machine is safe. These include:

  • The machine should be clean and well-maintained.
  • The milk should be stored in a refrigerated environment.
  • The machine should have a tamper-evident seal on the milk container.

15. What should I do if I find a milk ATM vending machine that is not safe?

If you find a milk ATM vending machine that is not safe, you should report it to the milk company that operates the machine. You can also contact the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) to report the machine.

16. What are the future trends for milk ATM vending machines in Kenya?

The future trends for milk ATM vending machines in Kenya are promising. The increasing demand for fresh milk, the growing popularity of healthy living, and the rising urbanization in Kenya are all factors that are driving the growth of the milk ATM vending machine market.

17. What are the challenges facing the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya?

The challenges facing the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya include:

  • The high cost of purchasing and operating milk ATM vending machines.
  • The lack of awareness about milk ATM vending machines among consumers.
  • The security risks associated with milk ATM vending machines.

18. What are the opportunities for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya?

The opportunities for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya include:

  • The growing demand for fresh milk.
  • The rising popularity of healthy living.
  • The increasing urbanization in Kenya.

19. What are the recommendations for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya?

The recommendations for the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya include:

  • The government should provide incentives to milk companies to invest in milk ATM vending machines.
  • The milk companies should educate consumers about the benefits of milk ATM vending machines.
  • The milk companies should work with security companies to reduce the security risks associated with milk ATM vending machines.

20. What is the future of milk ATM vending machines in Kenya?

The future of milk ATM vending machines in Kenya is bright. The increasing demand for fresh milk, the growing popularity of healthy living, and the rising urbanization in Kenya are all factors that are driving the growth of the milk ATM vending machine market. With the right investments and support, the milk ATM vending machine industry in Kenya has the potential to grow significantly in the coming years.


Consumer perception of risk exposure and purchase preferences for milk from milk ATM in Kenya

Consumer perception of risk reflects their awareness of the potential risks exposure in milk consumption and they associate some milk retailing with more risks than the others. For the risks assessed, consumers hold the perception that milk from milk ATM is as safe as packaged milk while milk from ATM is safer than milk from plastic containers.

This observation by Tassmatt Agencies Limited would suggest consumer acceptance of milk retailing in ATM. Viewed from market-led perspectives, milk ATM retailing represent a new segment of formal milk share and therefore supportive to strategic objective of formalisation of milk market in Kenya as aspired for in the national dairy master plan.

It is a viable business opportunity that SMEs working closely with the government can build upon with good food safety assurance practices in contributing to the strategic development objective of the dairy industry in Kenya.

It is clear from results of this observation that consumers express low confidence in milk retailed from plastic containers as compared to milk retailed from ATM or packaged milk. Their perception of risk of milk from plastic containers is corroborated with the observed milk quality. Then on compliance in microbial quality was more prevalent in plastic containers than in ATM or in packaged milk. However, use of plastic containers in milk retailing remains widespread in the market outlets. This continues despite the introduction of small sized aluminium containers and improved plastic containers (mazzican containers) as alternatives to replace the plastic containers in efforts to improve milk hygiene and quality standards.

Predominant use of plastic containers in milk transport and retailing can be attributed to its low cost, though discouraged for milk handling because of difficulties in cleaning. It is possible to eliminate the prevalent use of plastic containers in milk handling if the government can extend the ban on plastic carrier bags successfully enforced in the country since 2017 to plastic containers

That consumers perceived presence of chemical preservatives (hydrogen peroxide) a greater risk in packaged milk than in milk from ATM or from plastic containers demonstrate consumer low confidence in both formal and informal milk retailing for quality and safety assurance. It points to consumers perceiving that chemicals are used in milk processing.

Milk processors should consider this a consumer concern in milk quality and safety assurance. It is an indication that processed milk has failed to guarantee consumers safety as they express higher preference for milk from ATM over packaged milk on several attributes for which packaged milk would justify charging premium price. This observation has established that milk from ATM is more attractive than the packaged milk for several reasons: price, consistent availability, traceability and safety from chemical and biological hazards. The observation corroborates those of cooking and salad oil atm et that consumers prioritise price and convenience over safety in their milk purchasing behaviours.

For milk atm sellers in Kenya, contact Tassmatt via 0726-410068

Requirements For Starting a Milk Bar ATM Business in Kenya

This article outlines some of the key requirements that an investor on Milk ATM business in Kenya, Milk Bar or Parlor should have for a smooth operation. A Milk ATM baris a retail outlet that sells milk and other dairy products to consumers. Milk bars generally handle between 50 to 200 litres of milk per day. The milk bar ATM machines have in-built coolers and use electricity to store and dispense milk.

Kenya has a well-developed dairy industry with an estimated production of 5.2 billion litres of milk per year. Actually, the dairy industry in Kenya contributes approximately 14% and 4.5% of the country’s agricultural and National Gross Domestic Products (GDP) respectively.

The licensing of milk bars is done by the Kenya Dairy Board (KDB). As of last year, there were more than 1,400 licensed milk bars in the country. Most of these milk bars are located in urban and peri-urban areas.

The procedure of  Starting a Milk ATM Bar in Kenya 

1. Identify a suitable premise to set up the milk bar.  The premise should meet the following hygienic and operational requirements.


  • The premise should be located away from sources of contamination.
  • The floors, walls and ceilings should be impervious, easy to clean and sanitize.
  • The premise should have adequate and protected lighting and ventilation.
  • The premise should have adequate hand washing and sanitization facilities.
  • Adequate and clean toilet and sanitary facilities should be provided.
  • The premise should be designed to prevent cross-contamination of milk.


  • Surfaces of milk containers intended to come into contact with milk should be easy to clean and disinfect, corrosion-resistant and not capable of transferring harmful substances to the milk.
  • The layout of the equipment should allow for adequate cleaning and prevent cross-contamination.

Cleaning and sanitization programs.

  • The cleaning and disinfecting agents should be effective, safe and easily rinsed.
  • Immediate cleaning and disinfection of the equipment and containers after use.


  • Milk handlers should be free of contagious or infectious diseases which may be transferred through the milk or affect the quality and safety of the milk.
  • Milk handling personnel should observe personal hygiene, wear suitable protective attire and avoid undesirable behaviour during milk handling.


  • Provide adequate and clean potable water for cleaning of equipment, facilities, utensils and containers.

Waste Management

  • Liquid and solid waste should be disposed of in accordance with the relevant regulations.
  • Ensure solid and liquid waste does not harbour flies, insects and other rodents.


  • Premises should be managed by a qualified supervisor or manager.


  •  Recommended processing schedules should be followed e.g. pasteurization temperatures and time controls.

2. Contact the nearest Kenya Dairy Board office for a preliminary inspection of premises (Where areas of non-compliance are identified, improvements should be undertaken)

3.  Apply online for licensing.

The application fees for a milk bar license is Ksh 600. The online application is done at the Kenya Dairy Board Portal.

The following documents will be required.

  • A copy of your business registration certificate
  • PIN certificate
  • Identity card
  • Proof of pasteurization
  • Medical certificate of the Milk handling personnel

4. You will then obtain notification of inspection.

5. Upon successful inspection, you will be required to pay the requisite license fees of Ksh 2,500.  This is an annual fee.

6. Once you have made the payment, the license will be processed within 14 days. The license will be valid for a period of one year.

7. You can now start operations and pay monthly cess and levy as and where applicable. Kindly note that non-compliance can lead to suspension of the permit.


You can always relay on Tassmatt Agencies Limited for Milk Vending ATM Machines in Kenya for your milk bar, Tassmatt assist on obtaining of all the listed licenses upon purchase of the machine. Give them a call via 0726-410068. Keep in mind that milk coolers and milk pasteurizers are also available.

How does a Milk Dispensing ATM Machine works?

How does a Milk Dispensing ATM Machine works? This is one of the critical question we normally get from our online and telephone conversation with willing buyers and those in research. Tassmatt Agencies Limited offers customers of milk ATM vending machine in Kenya various solutions due to the companies vast experience from its innovation of milk ATM in Kenya. On this article we have highlighted an outline on how milk dispenser ATM works;


Milk vending business in Kenya has taken a different course in recent years, with the introduction of vending machines known us milk ATM.

Milk market has shifted from processed and traditional vending to the new technological retailing techniques that preserves fresh milk.

Tassmatt assesses the market conditions leading to this change and highlights how traders can acquire and operate the milk vending machine, Milk ATM.

According to the Dairy Industry Act Cap 336 and Public Health Act Cap 242 of the Laws of Kenya, traders should follow and comply with certain rules before installing a milk vending machine in Kenya.

The measures stipulate that a trader should have a well-designed and constructed premise with proper walls, drainage, lighting and ventilation.

The mode of transport should be hygienically made using aluminum or stainless steel and approved, milk transport vehicles.

The trader should also observe personnel hygiene and health –having a medical certificate is mandatory.

The vending premises should have access to clean and portable water.

The trader should maintain quality records for cleaning and disinfection of the premises and equipment for vending.

The environmental should be hygienically clean.

After ensuring that the above measures have been adhered to, the trader can apply for licensing from the Kenya Dairy Board – at this stage, an inspection of the premises will be done to evaluate compliance before a license is issued.

There will be routine inspection by the board after licensing to ensure hygienic requirements are continuously met.

The trader should also have other licenses such as trade licenses by the County Governments.


The ATM Machine works like an Automated Teller Machine allowing consumers to buy milk from a mechanized nozzle. In this activity, they bring their own canister and you key in the amount they need then they pay. It’s really that simple. This reduces packaging expenses for both you and your customers.